Work now, laugh later

“I have always been a procrastinator. Even back in grades 6 & 7, when I had my first term projects, I would leave them to the last minute. It wasn’t uncommon for me to be finishing my work in a panic. Sometimes a mild panic. Sometimes a panicked panic. For the most part, I’ve beenContinue reading “Work now, laugh later”

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”– Robert Brault.

We forgot a coffee pot to the 5 day camping trip. We thought that the mountain house will have the one we could borrow, but it was locked during the entire trip. We had a package of coffee, which was even worse, because I could smell it, but not prepare it. There was only oneContinue reading ““Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”– Robert Brault.”

If you want warmth, stay in the sunshine

“Her face was ghostly white. The men at the door were officers, and they were in their dress clothes. Every Army wife knows that when officers come to your door in dress clothes, it means your soldier is dead” Diana recalled with a shudder May 1997, George who had proposed to Lisa, joined the armyContinue reading “If you want warmth, stay in the sunshine”

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